It’s a specific system of feedback that increases the chances of movement and change
You can give feedback in a whole variety of ways. Strictly speaking, feedback in organisations, is the feeding back of data or information in accordance with an objective or goal. However, not every system of feedback leads to collaboration. Some people don’t want to collaborate - they just want to dump the feedback and run. Collaborative feedback is a methodology of giving feedback which hugely increases the chances of two way conversation, which is great if you want behaviour change. It’s also great if you want to promote a coaching culture. It’s core model the ‘PRESENT’ model was created after almost two decades of testing with managers in many types of organisation. The feedback system optimises the chances of collaboration because it highlights the importance of giving feedback, receiving feedback and the intention of co-creation.
why is it important?
Because when you give feedback, you have other outcomes in mind
The majority of the time, when you give feedback, you have outcomes in mind. More often than not, it’s because you want something or someone to change. Change happens when there is true engagement from all parties involved. We’ve all heard someone say, “But I gave him / her feedback. It’s just that they’re resistant.” But was the feedback given in a manner that led to engagement? It’s not that you gave it, it’s how you gave it. Below is a list of areas where feedback is essential to success:
Transformations - if you are thinking about embarking on a transformation programme, effective feedback is essential. Behaviours have to change as the system changes
Keeping standards - if you want to keep or safeguard a standard, feedback is a must
Processes - without feedback, processes fail. In real life, people adapt their behaviours to what is easier. Feedback is necessary to get staff to adjust back in line with the process design
Performance Management - high performance is driven by action with real time feedback and review
Clarity - clarity, whether in strategy, direction, or agreements is established by a iterative process of feedback
Any changes in the organisation - with any change in the organisation, whether staff leaving or new staff joining, adjustments must be made. These adjustments won’t happen unless there’s feedback
The Benefits of having a culture of collaborative feedback
Below are some of the benefits of establishing a collaborative feedback culture:
It increases the frequency of feedback given
Because of the nature of how it’s done, feedback flows up and down the hierarchy much easier
Much more likely to result in two way conversations, increasing the chances of change actually happening
Staff feel more confident in giving feedback
Less grievances against management
Less absenteeism caused by stress because of insensitive feedback
A nicer atmosphere to work in
Less turnover of employees because it creates a nicer climate to work in
Promotes learning, ownership and responsibility
It softens unhelpful hierarchical power structures
how we can help you establish a culture of collaborative feedback
We can help you in a variety of ways to establish a culture of collaborative feedback:
We can work with your entire organisation to establish a collaborative feedback culture. This may entail establishing feedback expectations, training employees in Collaborative Feedback and working with the leadership team to embed the culture. This is best achieved by establishing a ‘sweet-spot’ by helping employees become skilled at giving and receiving feedback and training them to maximise positive feedback
We can work with your managers to help them to create a culture of collaborative feedback. We can also help train an internal team to help train others
We can help individuals by pointing them and sending them to our public courses run around the country
We can consult with you as to how best to establish a culture of powerful feedback for your business
“I never realised that there is a system to feedback that enables engagement. I really like the principles that sit behind it”
“People talk about embedding, but you actually do it”
“The PRESENT model is so easy to remember and apply. And you have a tool to help me prepare my feedback so much better”
“Who knew that there was a systematic way to increase the power of positive feedback. I’ve never heard of that before”
Available from Amazon from August 2019. Written by Chris Chin, the MD of Curious Learning