“The coaching has been a fantastic opportunity to open my eyes an understand the potential within. Thanks for helping me make the jump out of my goldfish bowl!”
Executive and Manager Coaching
We offer in-depth, intensive one to one coaching to focus on significant issues you, or key members of your organisation are facing
Why Coaching?
People who want to accomplish great things often get stuck along the way or they get there in the end, but wish they could have got there quicker. Coaching is one of the most powerful, quickest and effective means of improving leadership and management performance, both on an individual and team basis. It works because it's tailored specifically for you. Think of it like assembling a jigsaw puzzle with pieces you didn't know you had. We support you in exploring the critical pieces in this puzzle, identify the gaps and help you to fill them. We could also help you restructure the puzzle, so that it transforms into a completely different picture - one that you like and want. Coaching ultimately is about helping people develop their capacity to create new possibilities for themselves. Because of this, its empowering and potentially transforming.
The Experience
You can expect the process to be highly focussed, deeply stimulating, thought provoking, often fun and invigorating. You can expect to have increased self awareness, to perceive things differently and most importantly, begin to feel and act differently. Our experience tells us that when you begin to feel differently, that's when the real transformation begins.
We get together and define the outcomes of the coaching process. We make sure these outcomes are high leverage and that there is a clear agreed vision of the changes required. Sometimes the outcomes change as the process plays out. We then find and hold explore the forces that hold your current thinking, habits and ways of being in place. Once understood, we can work together to re-arrange, restructure and redefine these forces using a variety of effective coaching tools. This necessary groundwork then paves the way for you to acquire increased skills, desired behaviours, different thinking or different ways of being.